If you need to automate your image matching tasks for the purposes of object detection or photo-identification in an easy way, the SalientDescriptor-matlab is right for you
MATLAB software for image processing
The software has been developed at tested on MATLAB 9.2, Release 2017a.
MATLAB Software implementations of the Shape and Affine Invariant descriptor
For example usage refer to the MATLAB scripts in directory 'Testing\comparision'.
Before running any tests, the test datasets 'Affine regions' and 'OxFrei' should be downloaded as explained in this file
The funciton 'config.m' contains important common parameters for the rest of the software.
Ranguelova, E., Local Shape and Moment Invariant Descriptor for Structured Images, Proceedings of the 19th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing (IMVIP) conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 2017, pp. 245-248