JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDS.
A browser that allows you to include NetCDF data stored in THREDDS catalog into a Jupyter Notebook.
JupyterLab dataset browser for THREDDS catalog
Can inject iris/xarray/leaflet code cells into a Python notebook of a selected dataset to further process/visualize the dataset.
- JupyterLab,
pip install jupyterlab
- ipywidgets,
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager
, requirement for ipyleaflet - ipyleaflet,
jupyter labextension install jupyter-leaflet
, to load a WMS layer - iris,
conda install -c conda-forge iris
pip install jupyterlab_thredds
jupyter labextension install @ewatercycle/jupyterlab_thredds
- Start Jupyter lab with
jupyter lab
- In Jupyter lab open a notebook
- Open the
tab on the left side. - Fill the catalog url
- Press search button
- Select how you would like to open the dataset, by default it uses iris Python package.
- Press a dataset to insert code into a notebook
For a development install (requires yarn), do the following in the repository directory:
yarn install
yarn build
jupyter labextension link .
python setup.py develop
jupyter serverextension enable --sys-prefix jupyterlab_thredds
To rebuild the package and the JupyterLab app:
yarn build
jupyter lab build
Watch mode ```bash
shell 1
yarn watch
shell 2
jupyter lab --ip= --no-browser --watch ```
To make a new release perform the following steps:
1. Update version in package.json
and jupyterlab_thredds/version.py
2. Make sure tests pass by running yarn test
and pytest
3. Publish lab extension to npmjs with yarn build
and yarn publish --access=public
4. Publish server extension to pypi with python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
and twine upload dist/*
5. Create GitHub release
6. Update DOI in README.md
and CITATION.cff