Experiment Launcher

Experiment Launcher.


Generate and launch Jupyter notebooks for your users.

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eWaterCycle Experiment Launcher a webservice to generate and launch a Jupyter notebook.

The API of the webservice is described in OpenAPI specification at openapi.yaml and can be seen in Swagger UI


JupyterHub server

The experiment launcher needs to communicate with a Jupyter Hub server. The JupyterHub server must running with a service which has a known token and has admin rights.

```bash pip install jupyterhub dockerspawner sudo npm install -g configurable-http-proxy cp jupyterhub_config.py.example jupyterhub_config.py

Generate token

export JUPYTERHUB_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32) echo $JUPYTERHUB_TOKEN

Set token

nano jupyterhub_config.py docker pull ewatercycle/jupyterlab-experiment-builder jupyterhub ```

Test JupyterHub by going to and login with OS credentials.

Installation for production

bash pip install ewatercycle_experiment_launcher

Installation for development

To install the launcher in development mode clone the repo and run

bash python setup.py develop



JUPYTERHUB_TOKEN env var should be set to same value as token in jupyterhub_config.py

export JUPYTERHUB_URL= gunicorn -w 4 -b ewatercycle_experiment_launcher.serve:app ```

Goto http://localhost:8888/ui/ for Swagger UI.

The JupyterHub and Experiment Launcher use local OS accounts for authentication and authorization.

In the Swagger UI you must authorize before trying an operation.

When running on Internet make sure https is enforced so the authentication is secure.

The webservice by default runs on / base path. This can be changed by setting the BASE_PATH environment variable. For example export BASE_PATH=/launcher will host the Swagger UI on http://localhost:8888/launcher/ui/ .


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