If you have large amounts of Geospatial grid-based data you would like to explore quickly, eWaterLeaf could be the visualisation for you.
Copyright 2014 The Netherlands eScience Center
Last modified: 6 June 2014
eWaterLeaf is a simple web-based visualization for the eWaterCycle project. It relies heavily on the Leaflet Javascript library, and ncWMS Web Map Service implementation.
eWaterLeaf mostly serves as an exploration tool for the data generated by the PCRGLOB-WB model used in the eWaterCycle project, but it should work with any dataset compatible with ncWMS (NetCDF-CF files).
The Latest Version
The latest version of this webapp can be found at
See the file "INSTALL.md" for a short description of how to use this web app.
Copyrights & Disclaimers
eWaterLeaf is copyrighted by the Netherlands eScience Center and releases under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See http://www.esciencecenter.nl for more information on the Netherlands eScience Center.
See the "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" files for more information.
Third party libraries
This product includes the ncWMS library, which is Copyright(c) 2007-2012 The University of Reading. See "notices/LICENSE.ncWMS.txt" for the license information of the ncWMS library.