


If you have birds flying around carrying UvA-BiTS trackers, then this software can save the SMS messages containing the bird's last known positions which are sent by the tracker to the UvA Bird tracking system's central database.

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Webservice to store SMS messages into a database table.

Accepts SMS messages from SMSSync Android app see, and .

Getting Started

cd <directory containing this file>
pipenv --two
pipenv shell
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp development.ini-dist development.ini

Edit development.ini to configure db connection, etc.

Create sms database schema:

psql -h eecology < sms.sql

Grant <someone> user rights to perform inserts on table, see comments in sms.sql for required grants.

Start service:

pserve development.ini

Service running at http://localhost:6566/sms/

SMSSync configuration

Configure Sync URL with:

  • Secret key = Same as value of 'secret_key' key in *ini file.
  • Keyword = '^ID', all tracker messages start with 'ID'
  • URL = Depends on where you run this server and if it is reversed proxied.
  • HTTP Method = POST
  • Data Format = URLEncoded

Docker build

Construct image

  1. sudo docker build -t sverhoeven/smsreciever:1.0.0 .
  2. Export or push to registry

Run container

  1. Import or pull from registry
  2. sudo docker run -p 6566:6566 --env DB_URL="postgresql://*******:********" --env SECRET_KEY=supersecretkey -d --name smsreciever sverhoeven/smsreciever:1.0.0

Error log is available with sudo docker logs smsreciever.

Web application will run on http://localhost:6566/sms/

Database upgrades

The latest schema is specified in sms.sql.

Using alembic ( for database migrations.

To create a new migration step run:

alembic revision -m "Timestamp without time zone"
# edit alembic/versions/*py files to specify changes

To upgrade an existing schema run:

alembic upgrade head --sql | psql ...


Unit tests

The unit tests can be run with nosetests

Functional tests

The functional tests needs

  • Postgresql database with PostGIS extension
  • Postgresql user with schema and user creation permission

The tests can be run with

DB_URL=postgresql://postgres:mysecretpassword@ nosetests -a functional

Postgis in a docker container can be used to test. docker run --name some-postgis -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d mdillon/postgis


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