eEcology Annotation Tool

eEcology Annotation Tool.


Visualize and annotate GPS measurements of bird movements.

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Webservice for eEcology Annotation project.

Start development server

Requirements: * Python 2.7, use Miniconda when Python version is too old. * psycopg2 Python package or Postgresql header files

python develop
cp development.ini-dist development.ini
# adjust database settings
. env/bin/activate
pserve development.ini

NGINX develop config

Using a hardcoded user.

    location /aws {
            gzip on;
            gzip_types application/json;
            gzip_proxied any;
            auth_basic "Restricted";
            auth_basic_user_file aws.users;
            proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;

The aws.users contains user/password combi created with htpasswd.

Apache production config

Put WS and UI behind auth and follow instructions at . The application needs the REMOTE_USER and HTTP_AUTHORIZATION environment variables so it can use those credentials to connect to the database.

User interface

The web user interface is in the annotation/static/TrackAnnot folder. That folder has compiled/minimized javascript, the source/un-minimized version can be found in the repository.


The fetch track data from the database can take a while to do. The webserver can timeout, causing the fetching to stopped prematurely.

Configure apache to allow for longer request handling by addding to httpd config:

Timeout 300
ProxyTimeout 300

Required permissions for user

  1. User needs a eEcology DB account.
  2. The user should have gps_limited roles.
  3. The user should have access to one or more trackers.
  4. Then it should work.

Api documentation

The api documentation can be found in apiary.apib. Generate html version of api with

npm install aglio
aglio -i apiary.apib -o api.html

Docker build

Construct image

  1. Install User interface in annotation/static/TrackAnnot folder.
  2. sudo docker build -t sverhoeven/annotation:1.0.0-db3 .
  3. Export or push to registry

Run container

  1. Import or pull from registry
  2. sudo docker run -p 6565:6565 --env -d --name annotation sverhoeven/annotation:1.0.0-db3

Error log is available with sudo docker logs annotation. Access log can be read using sudo docker exec annotation /bin/less /usr/src/app/access.log.

Web application will run on http://localhost:6565/aws/

Copyrights & Disclaimers

eEcology script wrapper is copyrighted by the Netherlands eScience Center and releases under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

See for more information on the Netherlands eScience Center.

See the "LICENSE" and "NOTICE" files for more information.


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